Words matter when we talk about the nature and impact of misinformation.
The truth about trust building
In a world awash in questionable information, libraries are commonly trusted sources. We need to honor, preserve, and protect that trust—and to be aware of the people who haven’t found trust in us yet. There are useful lessons to learn from a profession that’s seriously examining its own trust factors: journalism.
In libraries we trust
In study after study, libraries are ranked among the public’s most trusted sources of information. But how confident can we be in our position as trusted institutions—and how can we sustain that trust? Pew Research’s Lee Rainie helps us put the research into a broader context.
Libraries + Media: A special MediaShift series
Librarians and journalists both bring information and knowledge to their communities. A special MediaShift series looks at some of the people and projects bringing libraries and the media together.
Take a step toward the future
There are interesting things to learn from a professional futurist. Especially one like Brian David Johnson, who says, “The future of libraries is awesome.”
Start with your best guess
The Foundation Center’s strategic plan is based on core assumptions about philanthropy and social change over the next decade. What can we assume about the future landscape for libraries?
Thoughts about libraries — what they are, what they could be, and the world of things that influence them.