The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation team is shaping their next round of library innovation grants, and they’re looking for ideas. How might we help them support library evolution?

Searchlights and Sunglasses:
Five lessons for the library world
Why would librarians and LIS educators pay attention to a journalism textbook? Because the digital shift is affecting journalists and librarians in many of the same ways. And because we haven’t seen a textbook like this before.

It’s a good day to be a librarian
People with library and information science degrees are putting their skills to work in all kinds of interesting places. But the places may not be libraries, and the job titles may not say “librarian.”

Should librarians learn to code?
That depends on what you mean by “code.” But knowing how to make computers do things is a useful skill, and as Robert Hernandez notes, “It’s not magic.”

Does your library have a question?
Focusing on a single question can be a compelling way to guide a personal career. It can also be an intriguing way to guide an organization.

Take a step toward the future
There are interesting things to learn from a professional futurist. Especially one like Brian David Johnson, who says, “The future of libraries is awesome.”
Thoughts about libraries — what they are, what they could be, and the world of things that influence them.