The value of a library lies in its ability to develop community assets, says library educator Ken Haycock. And the future of libraries depends on our ability to share that vision with community leaders.

Start with your best guess
The Foundation Center’s strategic plan is based on core assumptions about philanthropy and social change over the next decade. What can we assume about the future landscape for libraries?

Prototyping tomorrow’s libraries
What might libraries be like decades from now? A decade of Dutch exploration uncovered many possible pathways toward the future.

Designing a new kind of library education
Students at the new Dutch LibrarySchool don’t learn to develop and catalog collections. They learn to reinvent public libraries.

Lagging like Microsoft
Have libraries fully embraced the possibilities of digital? New Zealand writer and tech advisor Nat Torkington prods librarians to rethink the internet’s opportunities.

What do Americans want from their libraries?
Here’s our chance to find out
For years researchers at the Pew Internet & American Life Project have been tracking changes in our information ecosystem. Now they’ll be looking at the habits and expectations of library users—and nonusers.
Thoughts about libraries — what they are, what they could be, and the world of things that influence them.